

The Two-Light Tungsten Flood Light Kit comes with umbrellas, dimmers, and light stands. Compact, rugged, and versatile, the broad-throw Tungsten Flood Lights can be used with its umbrella or gel frame and diffusion as a soft key light, fill light, or backlight. With its adjustable reflectors, it can be a smooth and even background light, or point it at the ceiling to raise the ambient (base) light level of a room. Adjustable reflecting doors can illuminate four walls evenly from a corner or compensate for light fall-off from above or below. The protective screens protect against the lamp being touched accidentally and lamp explosion. Also softens the light and transmits 70% of the light output of the lamp.

Each (750W) Tungsten Flood Light will emit a beam of 41 footcandles with the barndoors at normal position, and 34 footcandles with the barndoors at 180° position, from a distance of 10'. Included white umbrellas broaden and soften the light output. The White Umbrellas fits directly onto Broad Throw Tungsten Flood Lights without tools. Slightly softens the light output, with some specular highlights. Heat resistant, woven, soft-silver surface.

The AC Dimmer Control gives you stepless 1-100% power control over your quartz halogen light source up to 1,000W. Unlike other models, the dimmer is equipped with a 3-prong US grounded plug with heavy-gauge 6'4" cord, as well as a 3-prong input for the light to be dimmed. The lightweight plastic D-1000 features a simple sliding rheostat control that can be operated by hand or foot.

Heavy duty leather gloves prevent hands from being burned while adjusting HOT Tungsten lights.

(2) Broad Throw (750W, 120V) Tungsten Flood Lights w/ Protective Screens & Adjustable Doors
(2) White Umbrellas – 27” w/ Protective Sleeves
(2) 10’ Air Cushioned 4-Section Light Stands
(2) 16’ Power Cords
(2) AC Dimmer Controls
(1) Light Kit Roller Bag

Tungsten Light Kit demo and set up video link:


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Max. Checkout Length

7 days

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